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Influencer Marketing: It’s a Game of Hearts

By Malene Birger micro influencers

Research shows that 9 out of 10 consumers trust an influencer more than traditional advertisements or even celebrity endorsements (Business of Fashion and McKinsey, 2017). So, it’s no surprise that influencer marketing has become a core component of many brands’ marketing strategy. However, while influencers are a powerful channel, working with them is not always […]

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Is omnichannel a money maker?

By Malene Birger events

Yes, to us it is. In an article about omnichannel strategy at By Malene Birger for the Danish Fashion and Textile association, I outlined some guiding steps toward an omnichannel transformation, which you can see here: http://www.dmogt.dk/nyheder/2017/09/Vi-faar-en-oeget-omsaetning-med-omnichannel In the following I have translated this into English   What is an omnichannel strategy? Our omnichannel strategy […]

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The Future of Retail Experiences

By Malene Birger store event

The state of retail We are witnessing a large and somewhat disturbing move in physical fashion retail right now. Despite stock markets all-time highs, booming consumer confidence and the lowest unemployment rates in a decade, there are far more retail closures and fashion businesses going bust in the US than during the financial crisis in […]

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Omnichannel implies a new reality for the art of marketing and branding

omnichannel marketing

Many people only think about ecommerce and digital-in-store, when they think about omnichannel implications for fashion brands. But omnichannel revolutionises the marketing and branding conditions just as much as the sales and retail conditions.     As an omnichannel strategy centralizes governance structure, channel management and decision rights, and customers become customers of the brand at a […]

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Think “Web First” and turn traditional marketing thinking upside down!

influence landscape

Traditionally fashion marketing was centred around the SS & AW fairs and catwalk shows. The trade and retailers dictated the marketing initiatives. I know this only too well having worked in this area for more than 10 years, but we need to rethink our planning and focus now.  Now a days marketing and communication should […]

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